Wessex Telephone - our internet home phone

Unlimited landline calls and no line rental

Wessex Telephone, our internet home phone service, uses your broadband connection to make and receive phone calls, making it even easier to keep in touch with your friends and family. Not only do you get to ditch the pricy line rental charges and keep your existing phone number, all of our packages include unlimited UK landline calls.

Call our friendly team now on

0333 240 7997

Worry-free chatting

Unlimited UK landline calls, keeping you connected to friends and family.

No hidden costs

There are no additional line rental charges and you can keep your existing number.

Calling overseas?

Free calls to over 25 international countries for only £14.95 per month.

Talk Landline

FREE UK landline calls
10p per minute mobile calls
International calls from 15p per minute
Monthly Fee £7.95
Activation Fee £15

Talk Landline Plus

FREE UK landline calls
5p per minute mobile calls
International calls from 10p per minute
Monthly Fee £9.95
Activation Fee £5

Talk Mobile

FREE UK landline calls
FREE UK mobile calls
International calls from 10p per minute
Monthly Fee £11.95
Activation Fee £5

Talk International

FREE UK landline calls
FREE UK mobile calls
FREE international calls to 25 countries
Monthly Fee £14.95
Activation Fee £5

Wessex Telephone set up

If you are an existing customer, discover our step by step guide on how to set up your Wessex Telephone internet home phone service. You will also find a list of useful call features and how to use them.

Find out more

Wessex Internet’s VOIP telephone service is run through your internet connection, meaning it will not work in the event of a power cut or network outage. We do, however, offer a back up service (which is free of charge to At Risk customers – please refer to our Wessex Telephone VoIP Service Back Up Information and the relevant Terms & Conditions for more information.) Please note that our service is also unsuitable for many monitored alarm systems, please double check this with your provider. It is also not suitable for use with any monitored medical systems.