Wessex Telephone VoIP Service Back Up Information
This information relates to Wessex Telephone VoIP Service and the back up service we provide for At Risk customers.
This should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Service for the Wessex Telephone service.
At Risk/Vulnerable customers
For more information about what constitutes a Vulnerable Customer please refer to our Vulnerable Customer Policy or please get in touch with our Sales / Customer Support team who will be very happy to discuss your individual circumstances and how we can best support you.
All Vulnerable Customers are provided with our UPS back up service, for use in a power outage, free of charge, in order that they can continue to access emergency services. Please make sure you have this discussion with our team if you want to order one of our VoIP or Broadband services.
At Risk – No Mobile / Outside All Mobile Coverage
We also offer free UPS back up services for use in a power outage to customers who do not own a mobile telephone or who have no mobile telephone coverage (on any network), in order that they can continue to access emergency services.
Please get in touch with our Sales / Customer Support team who will discuss this further with you; they will also conduct some checks on mobile coverage (you can call emergency services using any network – not necessarily your own provider – and you may not be aware of the availability of another network in your home).
Not At Risk
If you are not presently At Risk you can choose to request a UPS back up service from Wessex Internet, but this would be charged to your account. Alternatively you can choose to purchase this system independently, or to rely on your mobile telephone for connectivity during a power outage.
It is important to note that you can notify us at any time via Customer Support if your circumstances change such that you would then define yourself as At Risk. This might be, for example, because of a change in your health or it could be because you have moved house (and continue to be served by Wessex Internet).